
18+ Discussion Community

Our discord community is only open to those over the age of 18. We provide a friendly, mature space for all fans of the dark, macabre, and weird.


Discuss your favorite dark media with fellow horror fanatics, gamers, and bookwyrms. Do you play FFXIV? Join us on Seraph!

The Occult

Delve into the specifics of your favorite occult religions and philosophies. Discuss the merits of worshipping nature or the old gods. Tickle the need to question everything.

Crime & Punishment

Revisit old, high profile cases, cold cases, or cases that slip under the radar and more in our true crime forums.

Sinister Vibes

Share the most haunting images, artwork, fashion, and more in our sinister vibes category. If it's dark and spooky, we want to see it!

Unsolved Mysteries

Delve into the paranormal, extraterrestrial, and further. Maybe you can help solve a mystery.

420 Friendly

We all have reasons why we smoke. Some for recreational, some for medical. With that in mind, this community is 420 friendly. Light up Space Cadet, because in our dark realm, we're here to support alternative medicines that treat mental and physical ailments. We don't judge.
